We All Like Big Buts
Want to know what Taylor and I think about I Like Big Buts? In this episode of Crackers and Grape Juice, Taylor and I talk about the sermon from which the book garnered its title.
It is in Romans that Paul reveals that he is convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons nor the present or future—really not anything or any power in all of creation—can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus ([8:38]). And even pithier—I love this one especially—Paul assures us in Romans that if God is for us, who could be against us? ([8:31]).
In this collection of sermons, you’ll find three United Methodist pastors doing what pastors do, sharing the good news. And trying to help us members of the laity get a healthy dose of some blessed catechism.
The book is available in paperback or as an ebook. By purchasing the book you help us keep the conversation about faith without stained-glass language flowing.
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