The Thing No One Want to Talk About

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For three days last month, I listened to people explain what the knew was going to happen at the called United Methodist General Conference in 2019. If you're not a UM, this is the global decision-making body and they will be discussing and (hopefully) finding a way for a diverse, global Christian denomination to overcome its inability to agree on doctrine regarding human sexuality. Human sexuality is the only topic that will be discussed so think of it as an international sex conference.

Anyway, anyone who is a leader in the UMC will tell you what they know will happen in 2019. The problem though, when we asked folks to say what they knew was going to happen into a microphone all of sudden they were gun-shy. The authority from which they spoke vanished and all the inside connections they had that had told them what was going to happen no longer existed.

This episode was supposed to be a collection of interviews about the Commission on The Way Forward. But because no one wanted to go on the record, Jason, Taylor, and I talk about the one thing that everyone wants to talk about but doesn't want to talk about.

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