Finding Purple In a Changing World
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
I lift up my eyes to the hills — from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” - Psalm 121:1-2, NRSV
Was it hard to wake up this morning? This is my least favorite day of the year. Not because it's Sunday but because we have to get up earlier and it's a time of change. The sun will start setting later in the evening. That's right. I get the math right on that and we are getting closer and closer to what, what's coming up soon Easter. Have you noticed any changes in the sanctuary over the last couple of weeks? It's purple this past Thursday.
You all know I have a little girl named Nora. Right? She's like this tall smells funny. She makes a lot of noise. We are walking through the sanctuary and she noticed the change and you know what she yelled, she yelled PURPLE!!!
Nora noticed that changes are happening and the purple colors on the walls tell us that we are in the season of Lent. Do you know what lent means? We say that word a lot and us grown-up sometimes don't even know what we're talking about, but Lent is a time when we are journeying and we're getting ready for Easter. We're turning away from all of the things that distract us from God and we turn back towards God and towards Jesus.
That is kind of what that Psalm was telling us about Psalms are our prayers that were prayed by Israel a long, long time ago. Back when Pastor ed and Pastor Jeff were still in seminary for a long, long time ago. In that prayer, David prayed that God would always be our protector.
So, here's the cool thing about it - things can and will change around us. The time on the clock can change. The colors on the walls can change, the seasons can change. We can be learning about math and then be learning about science and then go back to history and then go to music. And then go to recess.
We can have change everywhere in the world. We can eat different things for dinner and different things for breakfast, but one thing always stays the same. Do you know what that is? God will always watch out for us and God will always protect us no matter what.
Let’s pray: Hey God, it's your friends at Mount Olivet. Thank you for always watching over us. Thank you for always loving us even as things around us change. Thanks for always being there to listen and we'll talk to you later. Amen.