Because It’s True

Episode 5 - Because It’s True
You’re Not Accepted

The latest episode of You’re Not Accepted features Johanna, Jason, and yours truly discussing Dr Stanley Hauerwas’ sermon from the 2012 commencement service at Seminary of the Southwest.

“ Jesus is the heart from which the truth must be spoken. Thus the truth that must be spoken is known only through witness. Because he is the truth we can speak the truth. That speaking the truth takes the form of witness means we are confronted with this truth in a manner that does not allow us to distance ourselves from him. Any attempt to sunder truth from this the true witness, to make truth an idea about the relation between God and man, cannot be the truth. If the truth is thought to be but a symbol, no matter how exalted, it is but a falsehood. The true witness is this man of Gethsemane and Golgotha.

Because the truth is this person, the one who endured Gethsemane and Golgotha, it is a truth that cannot resort to coercion to secure its status. The truth that is Christ, the truth that can only be known by witness, is a truth that must make its way in the world by refusing to use the desperate means of the world to force others to acknowledge what is claimed to be true. There can be nothing desperate about the witness that is Christ because what God has done through the Son cannot be undone. That is why the truth that is Christ is so compelling. It is compelling because those possessed by this truth are filled with joy.”

Here’s the link to the original address:

The prayer we prayed at the of the episode is “The Truth That Reveals Lies.” and can be found in Prayers Plainly Spoken.

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