Liturgy Is a Show


WARNING: I must warn you that this episode contains language that might upset some of you. [spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=10387590" theme="light" autoplay="false" playlist="false" width="100%" height="200px"]

While hanging out in L.A. for Theology Beer Camp, Jason and I were joined by Todd Littleton of the Patheological Podcast to interview a few of the featured camp speakers. Before this post gets moving I would be remiss if did not invite you to subscribe to Patheological. It is a great podcast covering all areas of theology for both the pastor as well as the person in the pew.







Barry Taylor  is an Episcopal priest, Professor of Faith and Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary, and the author of Entertainment Theology: New-Edge Spirituality in a Digital Democracy.  In addition to being a theology nerd, he also co-hosts the 'Story of God' Podcast which is the official after show for the hit National Geographic

We should let pop music do our worship music for us.

We look to our worship music to express how we feel too literally. This is particularly true of contemporary Christian music. Music generates an emotional response and arch.  The problem of contemporary Christian music that Barry points out is the formula often used. Did you say "Jesus" enough? Were there enough invitations of surrender?

Barry talks about this, along with his unique conversion experience.

WARNING: I must warn you that this episode contains language that might upset some of you.

As you are listening to this podcast be sure to show some love to Patheological and 'Story of God'-Cast podcasts. These guys put a lot of work in, just like we do on Crackers & Grape Juice. So, if you like this podcast or one their podcasts, please let us all know.

[spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=10387590" theme="light" autoplay="false" playlist="false" width="100%" height="200px"]

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Click the images below and subscribe to the Crackers & Grape Juice Podcast. We promise to provide you with theological conversations without stained glass language. For the love of all that is holy: Give us a review there in the iTunes store, Stitcher, or on Spreaker. It’ll make it more likely more strangers and pilgrims will happen upon our meager podcast.


