The Hardest Interview We've Done So Far
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I am the father of a three-year old boy. Most of you know that by now. A few weeks ago, Jason and I interviewed Jason Jones for the newest episode of Crackers & Grape Juice.
Jason Jones is not a pastor. He does not run a ministry. He's a CFO. That's right, the profession that most people we interview would not what to do, Jason does it. He lives in Texas with his wife and daughters. Why then would a podcast about faith, specifically Christianity, want to talk to a Texas based CFO?
Jason Jones is the author of Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child, part of the Theology for the People series from Fortress.
There in lies why this was the hardest interview we've done so far. Jason Jones speaks with raw authenticity, explaining how his faith was not ready for the sudden and tragic death of his son. To be completely honest, I haven't finished reading Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child. I plan to but much like Cancer is Funny, I'll need to read it a little bit at a time.
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