Crackers & Grape Juice's 200th Episode


200 Episodes!!! Say what?!? Listen as the we take a trip down memory lane to talk about their favorite episodes, their white whale guests and what's to come for the podcast Crackers and Grape Juice!

If you asked me 3 years ago if Crackers & Grape Juice would hit 400k downloads, I would have thought you were nuts.

If you asked me 3 years ago if Crackers & Grape Juice would allow me to interview people like Rob Bell, NT Wright, Fleming Rutledge, and Diana Butler Bass, I would have said you were out of your mind.

All I can say after 200 episodes is thank you.

Thank you to our listeners for taking a chance on a couple of guys learning how to podcast on the fly.

Thank you to my family for permitting me to go on road trips for interviews and to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to edit episodes.

Thank you to our guests for their vulnerability and willingness to share their stories.

What’s next for Crackers & Grape Juice? Subscribe and find out.

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