A Revolution of Values

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“The way the world works is killing us all and that we need to be saved. The Kingdom of God is at hand, Jesus says, when he shows up and you can learn to be part of it. Anyone can be part of it. You can join it right where you are.”

Episode 248 – Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove: A Revolution of Values
Crackers & Grape Juice

Fresh off Donald Trump blaspheming at the National Prayer Breakfast and dismissing Christ’s Sermon on the Mount to nary a complaint from the evangelical pastors in attendance, we’ve got Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove on the podcast to talk about his latest book, A Revolution of Values: Reclaiming Public Faith for the Common Good.

Read More About Donald Trump and His Prayer Breakfast Blasphemy

The religious Right taught America to misread the Bible. Christians have misused Scripture to consolidate power, stoke fears, and defend against enemies. But people who have been hurt by the attacks of Christian nationalism can help us rediscover God's vision for faith in public life. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove explores how religious culture wars have misrepresented Christianity at the expense of the poor, and how listening to marginalized communities can help us hear God's call to love and justice in the world. He highlights people on the frontlines of issues ranging from immigration policy and voting rights to women's rights and environmental stewardship. Through these narratives, we encounter a recovery of values that upholds the dignity of all people. Rediscover hope for a faithful public witness that serves the common good. Join the revolution.

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