#1 - Dangers of Christmas - Forgetting to Worship
A few years ago the Huffington Post featured an article on the 12 dangers of Christmas. The article focused on fire safety during the holiday season. They covered everything from your Christmas tree drying out and catching the drapes on fire to burning down your home while preparing your roast beast. The article had me thinking, what if there were other dangers during Christmas? What if, aside from falling off your roof while working on your light display and over roasting your chestnuts, there were hidden dangers during the season of advent that most of us overlook. So I decided to write about the dangers of Christmas we often ignore.
Now, a few years later, I want look at a few more dangers of Christmas we might ignore or be unaware of. So here we go, another 12 Dangers of Christmas.
Forgetting to Worship
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A few months ago I had a chance to interview Melissa Greene alongside one of my Crackers and Grape Juice partners, Morgan Guyton. Melissa is the Associate Pastor at GracePoint Church in Franklin, TN where she oversees worship and the arts. She was also a member of the Grammy nominated group, Avalon.
To wrap up the Dangers of Christmas 2016 series I think Melissa's words are helpful as we often forget that Christmas Eve, Day, and Tide are are about worshipping God, giving thanks for what happened in the manger. In the hustle to get everything just right for parties we forget that the Holy Family was walking a fine line between Divine beauty and human tragedy. This then leads us to ignore the Divine beauty and human tragedy we encounter, knowingly or unknowingly, each day as we go through our daily routines.
Worship is an important part of the life of all Christians. We often use the excuse of being able to worship on our own, in our own way, maybe in the nature. Have you ever said that or heard that?
I think the conversation Morgan and I had with Melissa will help us understand why worship during throughout the year is just as important as the Christmas Eve service we spent so much time and effort planning. What if we placed that same amount of time and effort into every worship service?
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The Cracker & Grape Juice team will be part of Home-brewed Christianity’s Theology Beer Camp this January in L.A..

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