In his Capernaum campaign, Jesus took the first-century how-to adult handbook and threw it out the window. In one out-of-town trip with his buddies, Jesus overturned one of the backbones of social order.
Read MoreA PRIDE resource for the community, families, and congregations. God Loves You. No Exceptions.
Read MoreThe God who created and sustains has redeemed creation and continues to fill us, sending us out to proclaim it again and again.
Read MoreA moment to pause in the beauty of God’s creation, to breathe in God’s life-giving Spirit, and a moment of peace in a world that seems hell-bent on turning away from peace every change it is given.
Read MoreThere are a number of fortune cookie idioms that Jesus never said, Paul never wrote, and the Old Testament never authorized.
Read MoreLike the Ethiopian Eunuch, you, and every other person to be dunked, sprinkled, or poured over with this water have been clothed in new life, in the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreWithout resorting to worn-out clichés, Kurt Willems walks the reader through the problem of pain with the mind of a theologian and the heart of a pastor. This book will help many people.”
Read MoreWe are sustained through this very community, through being the body present to somebody - through word and sacrament, in the physical presence of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreMy thoughts on the lectionary texts for Easter 3B.
Read More"God is more concerned about a leader’s character than a leader’s success."
Read MoreTimothy Gombis follows Paul in resisting the influence of the “present evil age” by making cruciformity the operating principle of the church.
Read More“My vocation was supposed to be joy, and I was speaking at funerals.”
Read MoreThe triumphal procession that was to begin this reordering of the world began two disciples sent to wheel and deal with a local donkey dealer. A humble way for the Savior of the world to take his reign.
Read MoreCrackers & Grape Juice reaches 300 episodes.
Read MoreOvernight we began keeping our distance from one another – from extended family, friends, and strangers at the grocery store. We made masks from bandanas and rubber bands. We hoarded toilet paper (some haven’t needed to buy TP in the past year) and stocked up on any of the essentials we could find. We sat in front of our televisions and scrolled endlessly online looking for information about the virus, determining what we needed to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Read MoreWill Willimon talks about the new printing of one of his first books.
Read MoreThe good news is not that we must ascend up to God by our own good deeds or spiritual striving; the good news of the Gospel is that the one who met Moses in a burning bush and spoke through Elijah has come down to us in Jesus Christ and will come again.
Read MoreFleming’s thoughts and comments are just as relevant today as they were four years ago. In it, she talks about what she deems the “current preaching crisis,” the desire to appear prophetic, and the call to stand under the judgment of God.
Read MoreJesus gave a simple instruction, but when the church gets that instruction wrong, the results are anything but miraculous or a sign that the Kingdom of God is at hand.
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