Gotta Have Swagger

God promises to meet us, changing our lives. We may not be knocked off a horse and blinded like Paul was but Christ will meet us. The faithfulness of Jesus Christ is an invitation to set aside the gains of this life, leaving behind the old markers of confidence and swagger, and now lean into the amazing grace of God in Jesus Christ.

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The Real(er) World

We now live in the realest world, already transformed by Christ. Church, at its best, is just renewing our minds once a week to realize what Christ has already accomplished in spite of, and for, us.

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Teer HardyComment
The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience

“It is true that theological doctrines and religious practices do shape and form religious experience, but it is no less true that experience tends to resist such shaping and forming. Attention to the complex interaction of these two insights is a key dimension of the account of “grace as experience” that follows below.”

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