Teer Hardy

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Best of 2017

Mid-year, Zach Hoag redesigned my website. He moved me from Wordpress to SquareSpace. For that I am eternally grateful.

However, in the move I did not transfer my analytics. Because of this oversight, my best of 2017 list is a bit different this year. Instead of the top posts based on traffic, I present the top posts based on what I thought of them. Let's call it a 2017 introspective.

Marketing the Unicorn, April 20, 2017

This post secured me an interview on Colloquy Interrupted

Churches have the responsibility for sharing, proclaiming, and spreading the greatest message and news of all time. More important than a blended beverage thats for sure, and yet it seems like often churches keep the Good News of Jesus Christ on the secret menu because of a failure to take marketing seriously.

Called And Sent - A New Appointment And Journey, May 2, 2017

This is the post where I shared with Great Bridge UMC in Chesapeake, VA, that my family would be packing up and heading back to Northern Virginia. I had been appointed to Mount Olivet UMC.

This community, the students particularly, helped me to understand how God had been calling me. This community helped me to grow as I began to find a voice for preaching and teaching. This community is one of the reasons I am able to live into my calling. 

Trump is Our Nero, February 14, 2017

This is perhaps the most popular post I made in 2017. Donald Trump's election changed the landscape and dialogue of the world. Twitter is relevant again and we are even more divided. More interestingly, Trump gained the support of conservative evangelicals even after the "Grab em by the P***Y" tape was released.

How is Trump persecuting the church? He is persecuting the church in three ways: division and antagonizing, patronizing, and puppetry.

Everyone Doesn't Believe What You Believe, February 2, 2017

While being interviewed by the Homebrewed Culturecast at Theology Beer Camp, the realization was made that not everyone in the room voted for HRC in 2016. 

Our lack of space for doubt, push back, disagreement, and conversation is what has lead to the political divide we have in our country. If we fail to make space for doubt, push back, disagreement, and conversation we only threaten to aid the divide to grow further.

Looking to 2018

With 2018 merely hours away here is what I am looking forward to in 2018.

  1. The new kid. Allison and I will be welcoming a new addition to the family in February. She's going to give Camden an opportunity to test out his big brother skills.
  2. Graduating from Wesley Theological Seminary (again).
  3. More audiological goodness from Crackers & Grape Juice. We will hit the 200,000 download mark early in 2018 and will be doing more live events as spring arrives.
  4. The launch of a podcast editing/management service. Podcasting is quickly becoming the new blogging but often it requires more time editing than most realize. I want to help others (and you) launch, edit, and manage their shows. If you know anyone looking to launch a podcast send them my way.

2017 was not as bad as some have made it out to be. Here's to saying "goodbye" to 2017 and "howdy" to 2018. Cheers!